August 2018

Top tips to get to the coast

Amanda Scali   28/08/2018 10:21am

As we get those first few days of sunshine and that inkling that spring is near, our attention diverts back to the beach from the warmth of staying indoors.


If you’re over the cold and looking to make that move to beach-side living, here are our top tips to get you there.

Diversity is beautiful

Amanda Scali   22/08/2018 10:23am

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and this proves true in the myriad of different home styles, both inside and out, that we see every day.


A house starts as a blank canvas in an architect’s office, and it’s not until they work their magic that someone’s future home starts to take shape.


It is the beauty of diversity in people that make that same design into its many different (and beautiful) variations, with each being beautiful for a different reason and to a different person.


What makes each house a home is the people in it, and what makes each one different from the next is the diversity between people.


We are so blessed to have the luxury of choosing the homes we live in and making them beautiful in our own eyes.

Know thy neighbour

Alison Burgess   14/08/2018 10:24am

A smile and wave from that someone who brings in the bins while you’re away, and who collects your mail when you can’t is one of those undervalued but essential relationships we make in life.


I always find it interesting that many people don’t know their neighbours. They pass them like ships in the night in apartment building hallways, or live next door to someone for months or years on end and never even know their name.


But there is something beautiful about the relationship that you can develop with a neighbour. It’s the safety and security of knowing that someone cares, even if it’s just a little bit, and that someone is looking out for you and there to help if you need.

To Mover, or not to Mover

Amanda Scali   7/08/2018 10:25am

We all know the excitement of moving into that perfect new place. You’ve found the one, it will look amazing with all your furniture, and it will be somewhere you feel happy and safe.


Be it that you’ve bought, or that you are renting, the dream of the perfect place inevitably encounters some early challenges, and by this we mean logistics.


We’re talking about making that house a home by moving in all your personal furniture and other belongings.


It’s amazing how much “stuff” people accumulate as they fit out each house to make it their own, and the downside to having these things is that it all needs to be moved from one place to the next each time you move.


Often people don’t realise how much they actually have until they have to move it!