Making the best of the life you are living right now
By Amanda Scali

21/10/2021 12:13pm

Making the best of the life you are living right now
Have you ever caught yourself saying I will be happier with my life when I get a better job, lose five kg, have a better wardrobe, move into a bigger house, etc. etc.?
We can all get caught in the I'll be happy when I have X, I will be more fulfilled when I can achieve this career goal, etc. The problem is, though, that when we reach one task that we set out to master, be that a more challenging job, building a house, buying a new car, we only move the goal post higher. And we don't get the happiness that we are chasing.
So how do we make the best of the life we have right here and right now?
Look at what is going right.
Often, we can look at the gaps in our lives or things we need to improve or work on, and we forget to be thankful for all our many blessings and what we have.
It can be as simple as daily gratitude for what we are grateful for or what has gone well in our lives that given day. It can often give us the perspective we need to appreciate our day to day lives.
Stop worrying about the future
Whilst setting goals and having a life plan are significant, we don't need to obsess or stress over each outcome.
Sometimes the greatest gift we can give ourselves is just to let our lives unfold naturally and organically and go with the flow, especially in these crazy covid times.
Choose Kindness
We can often be our own harshest critic and what we really should be instead is our biggest fan.
Choose kindness when you are hard on yourself about not achieving X by a certain age or as quick as your friends.
We all move through life at different speeds. Allow yourself to embrace and enjoy the journey.
Live in the moment
Try and live your life more in the moment. Enjoy time with your family doing simple things like walking your dog, enjoying a drink together at home, watching a movie.
When we slow things down and allow ourselves to do one task at a time and enjoy it, we are living our lives in the present.