December 2018

When cutting corners is not what you need

Amanda Scali   19/12/2018 11:05am


Most people take a lot of care in choosing their home, and they often take a long time to commit and execute on this investment. It’s a big decision after all, and shouldn’t be taken lightly.


Once people have decided to jump in, human nature sets in and people find themselves rushing to get the project completed and move in as soon as possible.


This often leads to a propensity to try and reduce time and costs by cutting corners to get the project completed.


This is usually a fool’s errand, and as with any other major investment in people’s lives, things take time, and it never pays to cut corners.

Christmas treats

Amanda Scali   10/12/2018 11:06am

For most of us the holiday season is a time of fun, a time of joy, and most of all a time to spend with our loved ones; many of whom we may not see throughout other parts of the year.


We love the people around us and we want to give them things that make them feel special to us; to show them we care.


So, what better way to show those around you that you love them this Christmas than with an amazingly delicious Christmas ice-cream cake for dessert on Christmas day? It pairs perfectly with hot weather and great company.