Ways to add a little fun back into your life
By Amanda Scali

4/05/2021 5:07pm

Ways to add a little fun back into your life
Does your life feel like it lacks a bit of fun?
Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut, where we get up, go to a job you don’t like, come home, make dinner, and watch TV before going to bed, just do it all over again the next day.
And we can often spend our entire weekends on chores and catching up on errands.
When was the last time that you scheduled in a bit of fun and let loose for a while? Factoring in fun each week can be a great way to re-invigorate your life.

Here are some ideas to get you started.
Change Your Morning Routine
Add a nice splash of variety to your life by switching up your morning routine.
Do you usually eat breakfast at the table? Take your breakfast out to the porch and listen to the bird's sing.
Do you typically start your day by working out at the gym? Take your training outdoors by going for a run or a walk on a nature trail or track.
Sing in the Shower
Belt out a song from your favourite tune during your morning shower if you want to feel better instantly.
Even better, put some tunes on as soon as you get home from work and bust out a dance-off in the kitchen whilst preparing dinner.
Choose to walk instead of drive
Instead of driving straight home from work, stop at a local park for a quick walk to burn some calories, clear your thoughts, catch some rays, and maybe even see cute ducks.
Shake-Up Your Surroundings
It's easy to become stagnate if our surroundings never change. Try shaking up the layout of your living room to make it more fun and exciting.
You could do something as simple as swapping the couch with the recliner, moving your kitchen table to a new angle, or adding some new decorations to your living room.
Adopt a Pet
Do you live alone and feel lonely? Adopt a dog from your local shelter if you’d like to have a new companion who will greet you with a burst of excitement every time you walk in the door.