Happy & Healthy 2023
By Amanda Scali

9/01/2023 1:24pm

Happy & Healthy 2023

So, how was your 2022? Did you manage to do the things you wanted? Financial goals aside, how was your health in 2022? Are there some things you might have done differently?

As we approach the new year, it’s natural to start thinking about the goals we want to achieve in the new year. And with health goals, especially, it’s essential to be realistic and set ourselves up for success.

Here are a few tips to help you set realistic health goals in 2023:

  1. Start small: Don’t try to overhaul your entire lifestyle in one go. Instead, focus on making small, sustainable changes that you can stick to over the long term. For example, instead of setting a goal to run a marathon in the new year, try setting a goal to run a few times a week and gradually increase the distance. Try a Parkrun or set your sights on the City to Bay.
  2. Be specific: Vague goals like “eat healthier” or “exercise more” are difficult to measure and may not be as motivating as specific goals. Try setting specific goals like “eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day” or “go to the gym three times a week.”
  3. Make a plan: To help you reach your goals, it’s important to have a plan in place. This might include scheduling specific times for exercise or meal planning to help you make healthy choices. Do forget to schedule a bit of “me-time” as well (see below).
  4. Dont forget about self-care: Taking care of your mental and emotional health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Be sure to set aside time for self-care activities like meditation, journaling, or something simple like a mind-clearing bike ride or chewing the fat over a coffee with a good friend.
  5. Be realistic: It’s crucial to be honest with yourself about how much time and resources you have available to devote to your health goals. If you’re short on time, try setting goals that are easier to fit into your schedule, like taking a daily walk or cooking more meals at home.
  6. Find a support system: It’s much easier to stick to your goals when you have the support of others. Consider finding a workout buddy or joining a support group to help you stay on track.
  7. Celebrate your progress: Don’t forget to celebrate your successes along the way! Whether losing those first couple of kilos or running your first 5k, it’s essential to acknowledge your progress and give yourself credit for the hard work you’re putting in.

Setting health goals for the new year can be a great way to make positive changes in your life. By starting small, being specific, and having a plan in place, you’ll be more likely to reach your goals and make lasting improvements to your health and well-being.

Maintaining physical and mental health is not a one-year exercise; it’s a lifelong journey and requires effort and commitment. But you know the benefits are worth it in the long run. By prioritising self-care and making healthy choices, you can improve your overall well-being and quality of life in 2023 and beyond.

The sales and property management team at McGrath Real Estate Group know the importance of keeping physically and mentally healthy. It’s something we as a group are passionate about so that we can focus on better helping our clients.

Phone our office on 8350 4200, or drop into 42 Brighton Road, Glenelg.

Here’s to a healthy and happy 2023!