How to get into the groove when you lack motivation
By Amanda Scali

9/02/2021 6:13pm

How to get into the groove when you lack motivation
We've all been there, you have a to-do list as long as your arm, but you lack the serious motivation to get things done.
Whether you can’t get motivated to clean your house or you just aren’t feeling motivated to get to the gym and prioritise your health, a lack of motivation can be the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals.
Here are some tips to get you back into the groove.
Consider why?
Sometimes lack of motivation comes with a good reason.
Sometimes, no motivation can be the problem! At other times, it’s merely the symptom of a bigger problem.
For example, if you're a perfectionist, your lack of motivation may stem from the fear that you won't complete a task flawlessly.
Look at why you are struggling to complete simple tasks and work through some ways to get your motivation back.

Act as If You Feel Motivated
You may be able to trick yourself into feeling motivated by changing your behaviour. We've all heard the saying fake it until you make it. This can work to trick your mind into getting motivated again.
Try and shift your attitude to one of motivation and just start, one step at a time.

Practice Self-Compassion
You might think being hard on yourself is the key to getting motivated. But harsh self-criticism doesn’t work.
Research shows that self-compassion is much more motivating, especially when you are struggling with adversity.
So, cut yourself some slack, we all have off days, and sometimes you just need to let them be just that, off days.

Use the 10-Minute Rule
When you dread doing something—like getting out of bed early to exercise, you can reduce your feelings of dread, by proving to yourself that the task isn't as bad as you think it is.
The 10-minute Rule can help you get started. Permit yourself to quit a task after 10 minutes.
We often find that once we are up and exercising, it's not all that bad, and we can push through the whole workout.

Pair something you don't like with something you enjoy
If you have to write a submission for work that you have been dreading pair it with something you like doing, such as going out for lunch once you have completed the task or buying yourself a little something special.
It can help you get motivated and push through your lack of motivation.