Top ten tips to relax and unwind this Christmas time
By Amanda Scali

22/12/2020 12:51pm

Top ten tips to relax and unwind this Christmas time
It's been a big year; there is no doubt about it and a lot of us are screaming towards the end of the year with only a little bit left in the tank.
It's always a grind to the end, but in a year of so much upheaval and change, you may be wondering just how you are going to be able to relax and unwind this Christmas time.
Well, here are ten tips that we hope help.
Have a plan but be realistic
You may or may not be taking holidays over the Christmas and New Year period but hopefully, you will at least have a little bit of time off.
Plan to have some downtime but be realistic about how much time you can take off and how much you can commit to during the holiday period.
Set your boundaries
If you've had a big year, you will need to set boundaries over the Chrissy and New year period about how much you can commit to.
You might have a lot of family and friends you want to catch up with, but you may need to factor in a bit of me-time, and downtime, so you get some much-needed rest.
Get mentally prepared
This can be as easy as setting an out of office on your email, your work phone or trying to clear your desk at the end of your work year.
But it could also be in making a mental shift in letting go of some of the stress you’ve been carrying from the year, even if it’s only for a week.
This ties in with setting boundaries but prioritise your time, if you need more sleep or rest over this Christmas break try not to pack too much into your schedule and prioritise what is most important to you.
Do something for you to prepare to unwind
That could be getting a massage, your nails done or even just buying yourself a little present. Spoil yourself a little bit and reward yourself for all the hard work of the year.
Time off is good for you!
From work, from the stresses of life and even from the gym, it is Ok to take a break and not push as hard as you usually would at this time of year.
Even just taking a break from your emails is important in creating some distance from your work, so if you can, try and turn off those email notifications.
Sl-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w down!
It can be hard to take the foot off the pedal and slow down, but it's really important for our overall health physically and mentally. Allow yourself to slow down and enjoy the festive season.
Plan some fun things to do
One of the first things that can fall by the wayside when we are busy or having a stressful time is just letting ourselves have some fun.
Try and plan to do some fun things with your family over the holiday season.
It’s Ok to not feel festive and excited about Christmas time
It has been a tough year for a lot of different reasons, and it's ok to not feel like being in a festive mood, and that's ok.
Don't put added pressure on yourself to be in a celebratory mood, try and go with the flow a bit and enjoy the downtime.
Be kind to yourself
If you are feeling a little bit burnt out, be kind to yourself and those around you. There is no need to put undue pressure on yourself at this time of year, just let it be.