Time to stop wasting time
By Amanda Scali

15/04/2024 10:33am

Time to stop wasting time

We’ve all been there. You glance at your watch, surprised that hours have flown by without accomplishing much. That sinking feeling of wasted time can be incredibly frustrating. The good news is, you’re not the only one. Everyone struggles with time management at some point, but it’s time to reclaim your day and find balance.

The desire to be more productive isn’t just about work; it’s about living a fulfilling life. Whether you’re aiming to finally tackle that home reno project, spend quality time with your family, or simply take some “me” time, if you’re constantly chasing the clock, it can leave you feeling burnt out and unfulfilled.

Here’s the secret: time management isn’t about squeezing more hours into your day; it’s about making smarter use of the time you already have. We’ve put together some strategies to help you stop wasting time and reclaim your life at work and home.


Identify your time drainers.

The first step to tackling wasted time is understanding where it goes. Try keeping a log of your time for a few days, jotting down what you’re doing throughout the workday and even your personal time.  Are you getting sucked into social media rabbit holes?  Do you spend an hour each morning checking emails that turns into aimlessly responding? Once you identify your biggest time drains, you can develop strategies to combat them.


Plan your (flexible) day.

Having a roadmap for your day can significantly improve your focus and productivity. Schedule specific times for essential tasks, including breaks! This helps prevent procrastination and the feeling of being overwhelmed. However, be realistic and flexible. Unexpected things pop up, and that’s okay. Build in some buffer time and be willing to adjust your schedule as needed.


Learn to prioritise.

Not all tasks are created equally. Learn to differentiate between urgent and important tasks. Urgent tasks demand immediate attention, while important tasks contribute to your long-term goals. Focus on completing important tasks first, and schedule or delegate the urgent ones that can wait.

Tame the technology.

Technology is a double-edged sword. It’s a powerful tool for communication and productivity, but it can also be a significant distraction. Turn off notifications on your phone and computer during focused work periods. Utilise apps or browser extensions that block distracting websites and social media.


It’s okay to say “no”.

Learning to say “no” is one of life’s essential skills. We all have limited time and energy, so don’t be afraid to decline requests that overload your schedule and don’t align with your priorities. Saying “no” allows you to focus on what truly matters, both professionally and personally.


The family factor: maintaining work-life balance.

Of course, factoring family in this is another plate you need to keep spinning. Finding a healthy work-life balance is crucial, especially for families. Here are four tips to help you achieve that balance:

  • Schedule family time: Just like work meetings, block out time on your calendar for dedicated family activities. This could be a weekly games night, a family dinner, or simply some unstructured playtime.
  • Lead by example: Kids learn by watching. If you’re constantly plugged into work, they’ll likely follow suit. Minimise screen time when you’re with your family, put your phone away and be present in the moment.
  • Delegate and involve kids: Delegate age-appropriate chores and tasks to your children. This will instill responsibility and free up your time.
  • Embrace tech-free time: Designate certain times or zones in your home (e.g., the dining table) as technology-free. This encourages family interaction and reduces screen-based distractions.

Developing good time management skills takes practice: it’s a journey, not a destination. Don’t get discouraged if you have setbacks. Be patient, celebrate your successes, and refine your approach. Remember, the goal is to live a fulfilling life, not achieve some mythical state of perfect time management.

By implementing these strategies, you can stop feeling constantly behind and start truly enjoying your time at work and with your family. As a busy Real Estate company with professional Sales and Property Management teams, McGrath Real Estate knows the importance of managing time effectively. We know what it’s like to feel productive and fulfilled, and with a little effort, we know you can reclaim your day and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Phone our office on 8350 4200, or drop into 42 Brighton Road, Glenelg.