Spring clean
By Amanda Scali

9/09/2020 11:31am

Spring clean
The flowers are blooming, the birds are serenading, but maybe your house still feels like it’s stuck with the winter blues. You can breathe new life into your home after a long winter by giving it a good spring clean.
Spring cleaning is a tradition that allows us to freshen up our homes and get a head start on the hectic seasons of spring and summer.
Here are our top tips for spring cleaning your home:
Make a Schedule

Scope out your home and decide what areas need the most work.
Where do you skip during routine cleaning? Those are the best places to start. Regardless of where you start, have a plan for when and how you’re tackling each room.


De-cluttering makes you more efficient and keeps you organised. But more than that, clutter has psychological influences.
A good de-clutter will help your home feel fresh and give a sense of newness again. 

Walls and Windows Need Love too

People almost always clean their floors, but they typically forget about walls and windows.
Not all dust settles on the floor and other surfaces. So, give your walls and windows a little bit of spring-cleaning love as well.

Don’t Forget About Your Air

Remember to check air conditioner filters, heaters, any oil burners or humidifiers that you use in the home and give them a good clean so that you have clean air in your home.
Let Spring Cleaning Set a New Tone

If your space feels dark and heavy, you can make small changes to help make it light and fresh for spring.
Adding new colourful pillows or art are great ways to change up your space. Replacing items like bedding, towels, table linens, and even window treatments are other ways to transform your rooms for spring and warm weather ahead.